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- An Essay on General Relativity
- Overview of the basic ideas and principal applications of general relativity. Written by John L. Safko for students in the self-paced astronomy courses at the University of South Carolina in 1997.
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- Are There Any Good Books on Relativity Theory?
- The Physics FAQs guide to relativity books; by Chris Hillman (with contributions by Nathan Urban). An extensive annotated list of semi-popular books, textbooks and background reading.
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- Einstein Online
- Information about Einstein's theories of special and general relativity and their applications; site is hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics. Includes a simple introduction, a collection of articles ("Spotlights on relativity"), and a relativistic dictionary.
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- Interactive Experiments in Gravity
- Try an experiment that illustrates the gravitational attraction between two objects or use a Java applet to understand how orbits work in strongly curved space-time.
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- Relativity: List of Important Equations
- Page scans from the Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics giving equations and formulas for special relativity and relativistic cosmology. Includes bibliography.
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- Spacetime - General Relativity, Quantum Gravity, and the Existence of Time
- A brief summary of Spacetime Theories at the beginning of the Third Millennium, and of the possibility that we live in an essentially atemporal universe.
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- The Physical Construction of Time
- Papers by Igor Zlobin that analyze time deceleration effect as predicted by both relativity and special relativity theories. Some papers are in English and Russia, others only in Russian.
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- Wikipedia: General Relativity Resources
- Annotated list of reading material about general relativity: popular books, textbooks, books on specific topics, web courses, and websites.
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- Wikipedia: Introduction to General Relativity
- Encyclopedia article explaining the basic concepts, observational tests and (astrophysical) applications of general relativity.
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- General Relativity Simulation Contest
- Attempt at a content aimed at the Internet community to write a simulation program, based on a simple algorithm incorporating the laws of general relativity, that can realistically simulate the behavior of black holes, binary stars, and the twin paradox. (December 28, 2005)
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- Anti-Relativity
- Website presenting what the author claims to be experimental evidence against relativity, as well as more philosophical arguments and proposed explanations of the various experimental effects in terms of an ether theory. Includes a discussion board.
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- Apparent Lack of Symmetry in Stellar Aberration and Euclidean Space Time
- Critical examination of stellar aberration and its relativistic interpretation, followed by the author's alternative derivation based on Euclidean spacetime; by Rajan Dogra.
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- Einstein's Equivalence Postulate and Spacelike Waves
- Essay by James Constant arguing how Einstein's equivalence postulate should be abandoned for the study of spacelike wave phenomena and gravitation. Contains links to other essays by the author, notably about Newton's Gravitation and its relation to Riemannian geometry and to cosmology.
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- Extinction Shift Principle (c)
- Presents the principal axioms of the "extinction shift principle", a purely classical photon-gravity theory of emissions/re-emissions of electromagnetism and gravitation intended as an alternative to both general and special relativity. By Edward Henry Dowdye, Jr.
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- From Paradox to Paradigm
- Alternative to relativity based on a dragged ether. Includes an exposition on the equivalence of magnetic and kinetic energy and the derivation of Planck's constant from quantum mechanics and the ether. Translation from a book in Dutch by Johan Bakker.
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- Gravitational Mirror Theory
- Introducing a "universe much smaller than the big bang", in which the multitude of galaxies turns out to be an optical illusion; includes pages inviting the reader to consider how Einstein can be disproved using the Hubble Space Telescope.
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- Mass Theory and Triangle of Velocities
- Elementary Concepts of Material World (the attempt to "explain fundamental laws of nature with use of precise and clear logic only") and criticism of the Lorentz transformations; by Aleksandar Vukelja.