From Paradox to Paradigm
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Scan day: 09 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Alternative to relativity based on a dragged ether. Includes an exposition on the equivalence of magnetic and kinetic energy and the derivation of Planck's constant from quantum mechanics and the ether. Translation from a book in Dutch by Johan Bakker.
“From Paradox to Paradigm†| Online adaptation of the book For those who want to get a good and relÂaÂtively simÂple impresÂsion what went wrong in TheÂoÂretÂiÂcal Physics, I wrote “ â€. Here you can chronoÂlogÂiÂcal expeÂriÂence “how and why†I disÂcovÂered the misÂtakes. This manÂuÂscript gives a betÂter overÂall impresÂsion of the probÂlems encounÂtered and the disÂcovÂered soluÂtions. When more speÂcific inforÂmaÂtion is wanted one can search on the webÂsite for more elabÂoÂrate and exact presentation.
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