Our rules
Q: Do you accept the new websites? What rules?
A: Yes. Any website can participate in our web directory. There are exceptions why we don't accept: porn; calling for violence; calling for racial and religious hatred; calling for humiliation of the personality; with the unsafe contents for children; phishing or fraud.
Q: Do you accept sex-shop website, website of magazine for adults?
A: We accept such websites after check and only in the following catalogs News, Shopping. Also the moderator can refuse accept (For example, the website contains a porn files).
Q: Do you accept illegal drugs shops?
A: No.
Q: Do you exclude websites from the web directory?
A: Yes. The site can be excluded because of violation of our rules, or complaint of users of our site, or demand of the owner of a resource. Depending on a case the page can be 'frozen' (403 HTTP Code) or deleted (404 HTTP Code).
Q: Do you accept redirect (301, 302 HTTP Code) pages?
A: No. We accept only the final address.
Q: My website is not yet complete. Do you accept my website?
A: No. We accept already working websites.
Add/Edit/Remove questions
Q: I submit order. When will you create a new page?
A:It need some time for website check. Could take a week of time. Sorry, we don't report results.
Q: I would like to edit the page. What's I should to do?
A: Please open page in the catalog and click to 'Edit Page' - 'Edit' buttons. Fill required fields. If You like to remove email address from page, please let us know in the Message field. Press 'Send'.
Q: I would like to delete the page. What's I should to do?
A: Please open page in the catalog and click to 'Edit Page' - 'Delete' buttons. Fill required fields and choose a reason. Press 'Send'.
Q: I think page violates your rules. Can I report?
A: Yes. On the page click to 'Report' button and fill required fields. Press 'Send'.
Q: When Submit URL need specify 2 times email address in Site Email and Contact Email. What's the odds?
A: 'Site Email' is used on the page, it visible for users. 'Contact Email' is required to communicate with you.
Page elements
Q: What is 'Content Level' score? Can I change?
A: It is our value, an assessment of quality of the page. As far as the text is SPAM. Normal is more -30. You have to correct the page, clean glut of words the text. After tell us - we will scan the page and we will update value.
Shortly about our Privacy Statement
Q: Do you collect or sell emails?
A: We collect and use email addresses in the catalog pages. Email addresses aren't available to users of our site, we use the built-in post manager for sending messages. No, we don't sell emails.
Q: Do you transfer personal data of the user to another?
A: No. We don't give personal information, the exception can be only by official inquiry of law-enforcement services or by a court decision.