- 161
- XMM: Black Holes and Quasars
- Educational pages on the website of the space-borne X-ray telescope XMM, hosted by the University of Birmingham. Information about black holes and other astronomical sources of X-rays.
- 162
- Radio Astronomers Lift 'Fog' on Milky Way's Dark Heart
- Press release by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory about observations of the immediate neighborhood of our galaxy's central supermassive black hole. (April 01, 2004)
- 163
- Hubble Space Telescope Discovers Disk Fueling Possible Black Hole
- News item published on the website of the Space Telescope Science Institute. (November 19, 1992)
- 164
- Black Hole Thermodynamics
- Brief introduction to the basic ideas of black hole thermodynamics; written by David M. Harrison (University of Toronto); uses no mathematical formulas; suitable for a general audience.
- 165
- Hawking Radiation
- A brief and accessible overview of Hawking radiation from the Physics FAQ; suitable for the general reader. Originally written by John Baez (University of California at Riverside); later modified by Ilja Schmelzer.
- 166
- Amazing Space Teaching Tools: Black Holes
- Resources for classroom use; from the Space Telescope Science Institute: features an online exploration, a page on myths vs. realities, and materials about astronomers' observations of the galaxy Centaurus A.
- 167
- Black Holes: Fact and Fiction
- Selected talks (slides and audio) from a 1999 Teachers Educational Forum on black holes at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (UCSB); topics: black hole basics, astrophysical aspects, how to build a black hole in your classroom, and the relation with string theory.
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- Universe Forum: Black Holes
- Materials about black holes from the national center for teaching and learning about the structure and evolution of the universe; sponsored by NASA and created by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.