- 21
- Newton Physics
- Collection of articles and online books, by Paul Marmet; topics include the death of Big Bang cosmology, how classical mechanics can explain the effects commonly attributed to relativity, how the Lorentz transformations mean that the speed of light is not the same for all inertial observers, and gravitational length contraction.
- 22
- On New Concepts of Weight and Gravity and their Bearing on Relativity
- Introduces a new concept of weight which distinguishes between self-weight and acquired weight and subsequently leads to a new definition of gravity, based on the assumption that all subatomic particles have a "mass-energy field". By Elie Agur.
- 23
- Physics, Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology: New Theories and Mathematical Formulations
- Presentation of a new mathematical formulation for both the Special and General Theories of Relativity, a new theory of Atomic Structure, Gravitation, and the origin and existence of the Universe. By Peter Bass.
- 24
- Proof of the Falsity of the Special Theory of Relativity
- Erik J. Lange's exposition of a mathematical proof of the falsity of a popular derivation of the Lorentz transformations.
- 25
- Quantum Pulse Theory
- Introduces a new unit of energy which, together with a geometric construction for matter waves, is used to derive a quantized form of Einstein's relativistic mass-energy equation; by Brian Nelson.
- 26
- Relativity or Ether Theory with a new Propagation of Light
- A new analysis of the Michelson Experiment.
- 27
- Spacelike Tessellations of Tetrahedrons
- Introduces a simple quantization of space and time using tetrahedrons; significant ratios in the geometry of these objects are taken as an indication that they represent different kinds of elementary particles. By William R. Olson.
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- The Imagineer’s Chronicles
- Blog about, among other things, alternative unified theories created using imagination and common sense. By "Imagineer" Jeff and friends.
- 29
- The Spacetime Phenomena
- Theory of gravity based on conclusions from the equivalence principle: The gravitational force is caused by the change of speed of spacetime structure, falling into a mass. By F. Stefanko.
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- Velocity of Light
- Thoughts by Dane Gacesa on the way that each macroscopic light source is made up of elementary light sources, on the selective sensitivity of detectors for light emitted in this way, and the consequences for relativity.
- 31
- Warp Drive Today
- Website explaining the physics of the Alcubierre Warp Drive, presented in a science-fiction-like format. Includes a discussion of problems and future prospects; by Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
- 32
- Yilmaz Refinement of Einstein Theory
- Presents the mythology of modern astronomy, as well as the gravitational theory of Huseyin Yilmaz, which eliminates black holes, the big bang, singularities, as well as the need for dark energy and dark matter; by Adrian Bjornson.
- 33
- Black Hole Images at "Astronomy Picture of the Day" (APOD)
- From NASA's "Astronomy Picture of the Day" archive, the three most educational images (editor's choice) related to black holes.
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- Black Holes & Co.
- Collection of articles about various aspects of black hole physics, from astronomical observations to the question of why black holes have no hair. Part of the "Spotlights on Relativity" series on Einstein Online; written for a general audience.
- 35
- Frequently Asked Questions about Black Holes
- FAQ for the usenet newsgroup sci.physics; compiled by Matt McIrvin; last change 1995. Suitable for a general audience; addresses a number of fundamental questions such as "How does gravity get out of a black hole" or "What happens if you fall in".
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- Gravity's Relentless Pull
- Information about black holes for a general audience, including virtual journeys and simulations, from the Space Telescope Science Institute (the people in charge of the Hubble Space Telescope).
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- Jillian's Guide to Black Holes
- An informal introduction to the different types of black holes, to what happens outside and inside such objects, and to how they can be detected; suitable for a general audience. Created by Jillian Bornak as the final project for a beginners' course on general relativity at Syracuse University in 2003.
- 38
- ScienceDaily: Black Hole News
- List of news articles and press releases related to all aspects of black hole physics, from theory to astronomical observations; updated frequently.