Flora and Fauna
- 3101
- Piper aduncum: Matico
- Description and several photographs of this shrubby tree, with information on its herbal properties, uses in traditional medicine, the chemicals it contains, its biological activities, clinical research and its current uses.
- 3102
- Piper betel
- Short description and medicinal uses of the betel plant, a climbing shrub which is indigenous throughout the Indian Malay region and is cultivated in other tropical regions.
- 3107
- Peperomia
- Description and culture of this tropical genus, including brief information about several individual species and cultivars.
- 3112
- Peperomia pellucida
- Species information for the tropical plant commonly known as potpopot, podpod-lahi, or rtertiil, from the Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk project.
- 3113
- Peperomia verticillata
- Two photographs showing this plant growing in its natural habitat in Cuba, and a description.