Flora and Fauna
- 3124
- Petiveria alliacea: Anamu
- Description and several photographs of this perennial plant, with information on its herbal properties, uses in traditional medicine, the chemicals it contains, its biological activities, clinical research and its current uses.
- 3126
- Periplocaceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family with technical details of Taccazea and Periploca.
- 3129
- Penaeaceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family of shrubs with technical details of Penaea and Saltera.
- 3130
- Pedaliaceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family of xerophytic plants, with technical drawings of Sesamum and Pedalium.
- 3136
- Passifloraceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family of trees, shrubs and lianas, with illustrations of several species.