New Age
- 102
- Light-Up-Your-Life
- Meditations to achieve the kingdom of heaven, which is really the center of self.
- 103
- Meditation TV
- Free daily classes and videos that teach stress reduction and how to meditate. Offering a correspondence school that explores sleep and lucid dreaming, chakras, the third eye, the kundalini, alchemy, and self-healing.
- 104
- Meditation for the Real World
- Meditation guide and newsletter dedicated to sharing techniques and concepts from all traditions.
- 105
- Mudrashram Institute of Spiritual Studies
- Offering meditation instruction, workshops and classes, based on the inspirations offered by spirit guides.
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- Universal Life Force Alignment Meditation
- A human being’s center of feeling responds to love like a flower opens to the morning sun. Through Meditation get in touch with your own universal life force, the source of life and love within.
- 110
- Drunvalo Melchizedek's Personal Web Site
- Messages and inspiration from the leader of the Order of Melchizedek.
- 111
- The Spirit Gathering, Inc.
- Offers ordination according to the Order of Melchizedek. Includes application instructions, covenants, and church charter.
- 112
- Inspired Living Books
- Comments on the Urantia book, the teachings of Melchizedek, and other prophecies.
- 113
- Square Circles Publishing
- Directory of articles, books, and study resources. Also offers a calendar of events, UB news, and cartoons.
- 114
- The Spiritual Fellowship
- Sharing the message that all are loved by God and promoting the ideal for human living as represented in the Urantia Papers. Includes event schedule and newsletter.
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- The Urantia Book Fellowship
- Site offering the complete book available to read online. Includes references and resources, study groups, and topical index.
- 116
- TheoQuest
- In-depth study and resrouce center featuring pronunciation guides, glossary, community group listings, and personal experiences.
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- Urantia Foundation
- Official site for this international organization highlighting online reading materials, directory of local chapters, conference schedules, and a distance learning school.
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- L/L Research
- Channeled information on spiritual development from extraterrestrial sources. Emphasis on meditation and wanderers.