New Age
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- Conversations With God
- Official companion site to Neale Donald Walsch's book. Features author profile, interviews and questions and answers sections, with details of seminars, study groups and products. Chat areas and personal testimonies.
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- Multi Dimensions
- A journey through conscious, unconscious and superconscious worlds to find meditation, chakra and spiritual healing techniques for holistic well-being.
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- Native American Prophecies
- American Indian prophecies as told by a white psychic who claims to be inhabited by a light being named Z.
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- New Age Spirituality
- In-depth article defines the New Age movement and some of the core beliefs, explains the traditions from which it is rooted, describes the confusions caused by other religions, and highlights some of the more common practices.
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- News from Nahziryah
- Information, news and sales from the Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil.
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- Order of the White Lion
- Presents the case for astrology, tarot, karma and the elements being part of a universal language.
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- Rainsnow
- Seeking to unite people on various spiritual paths into a collective on one path. Includes books, bulletins and articles, special services, and resources.
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- Sacred Wind
- Spiritual information regarding the many aspects of the Divine Mother, based upon the teachings of the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood.
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- The Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus
- The Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age. Transcribed by Levi H. Dowling
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- The Maitreyan Order of Hsien Tao
- Information about the Tantric-Alchemical-Kaballah as developed by master Khiron. Offers archives and events information, including details of Maitra as a way of life.
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- Ascended Masters Portraits
- Paintings of the Ascended Masters, also featuring some information about the purposes of each.
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- CeAnn -- Visionary Guidance
- An exploration of the self via multi-dimensional awareness and channeling.
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- Know One Life
- Interdimensional guidance for life's journey, from ascended master Dwahl Kul with art, philosophies, and metaphysical information.
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- One World Heart-Earth
- Expanding the principles of enlightenment and spirituality, with the teachings of Lady Emanuella, the New Heart-Centered Evolution and Rose Ray.
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- The Ascended Masters and Ascension
- Learn about the Masters and experience their energy portals into the 3rd dimension.