New Age
- 621
- The Academy for Future Science
- Non-profit, philosophical corporation, publisher of the spiritual Code Book "The Keys of Enoch" by J.J. Hurtak.
- 622
- Artist's Way
- A gathering place for an online community of artists working through the book 'The Artist's Way', by Julia Cameron. Includes a message board, a chat schedule, and the basic principles behind the book.
- 623
- Beyond Armageddon--Creating the New Age of Aquarius
- From the point of view of the Great Brotherhood of Light, exploring the coming battle between positive and negative energy forces.
- 625
- Eagle Life Communications
- Offering direction into the guiding voice of the soul. Also offers newsletter, workshop schedule, and events.
- 626
- Evelyn Fuqua, Ph.D.
- Author of the book "From Sirius to Earth". Research on Soul Exchanges and messages from Athor, a member of the Sirius star system Council of Twelve.
- 627
- Fading Toward Enlightenment - Life between the Ego and the Ethereal
- A photographers quest for internal peace.
- 629
- Gail Evans
- Author of "The Firstborn of God - Resolving the Contradictions in the Bible," and "Time Trials." Reviews, author interview, excerpts and on-line ordering.
- 630
- Gem's Story
- A novel about personal growth and the quest for something bigger than ourselves. By Joost Boekhoven, with excerpts and author profile.
- 631
- Hearts Truth
- Serving the happiness, inner peace, love and faith, and God-connection that always resides at the core of us all.
- 633
- Matthew Books
- Information on reincarnation and karma, connection with extraterrestrials, spirituality, and metaphysics.
- 634
- Meditative Magic
- Information about Judith Diana Winston's book Meditative Magic, with channeled Pleiadean Glyphs.
- 635
- Moon Lodge Visions
- A book of visionary prophecy and changes for those who honor the Divine Feminine and the Good Red Road. Book excerpts and fulfillment grid.
- 636
- New Consciousness Rising
- A Voyage in Consciousness by AJ McGettigan. Includes reader reviews, table of contents and the background behind the book.
- 638
- Odyssey of the Soul
- First of a metaphysical trilogy focusing on how our spirit uses, and often misuses, its powers.