New Age
- 581
- The New Age Wholesale Directory
- Software which lists new age wholesalers, drop shippers, and distributors.
- 582
- The Wholesale New Age & Metaphysical Gemstone Factory
- Wholesales new age, metaphysical, spiritual and healing products. Buddhas, candleholders, meditation stones, pendants and pendulums, power beads, pyramids, worry stones and gemstone jewelry.
- 583
- 11:11 Progress Group
- Messages from angels to awaken humanity to the pending ascension. Explains the 11:11 time prompts.
- 584
- All About Angels
- Alphabetic listing, with their status and what they represent from a New Age point of view.
- 585
- Angelic Messages To All
- This web site is dedicated to sharing angelic messages about Divine Love, spiritual progression, healing. Messages received from the angels describe how to increase the Love and joy in your life, greatly improve your well-being and develop your soul through receiving God's Divine Love.
- 587
- Benu Too Inc.
- Workshops and spiritual video and audio tapes of the channelings of Archangel Gabriel.
- 588
- Center for Being
- Includes words from the Archangel Raphael, channeled by Channeled by Mary LaSota, as well as details of training in Reiki, Karuna and Lightarian, and information about workshops.
- 589
- Interdenominational Divine Order
- Michael, Gabriel, and Lucifer as the Triad, with biographies of their various incarnations, newsletter and booklets for download.
- 590
- Sessions with Spirit
- A Cincinnati Ohio channel working to bridge the world of spirit and the world of man.
- 591
- Bridge to Freedom Dictations
- Dictations given to the messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Geraldine Innocente, in the 1950s.
- 592
- Bridge to Freedom Weekly Messages
- Transmissions of the Flame by Maha Chohan in 76 weekly sections. Maha Chohan means "Great Lord", in Sri Lanka, and he was embodied as Homer. Released in New York, 1950s.
- 593
- Choose the Heart
- Uniting spirit and human, creating a marriage between the realms of heaven and earth.
- 594
- Christ's Way
- Channeled letters from Jesus Christ to correct the misinterpretations of his teachings, and to de-program the religious mind.
- 595
- Terra Meditations
- The Lord Jesus Christ offers guidance and advice for gaining intrance to Terra, the new earth.
- 596
- The Share Foundation
- Non-profit organization committed to planetary peace and the preservation of all life through the Love Corps Network and the messages of Christ Jesus.
- 597
- Lazaris
- Channeled metaphysical and spiritual material. Includes workshop schedules, commercial media, and Lazaris articles.