New Age
- 562
- The Crystal Man
- Offers a variety of crystals, clusters, and points. Also offers fossils and minerals.
- 564
- The Other Side of the Sun
- Polished minerals and quartz crystals. Also offers workshops in Florida.
- 566
- Wicked Stones
- Handcrafted jewelry and gifts from crystals and semi precious stones. Also offers Celtic and pewter designs.
- 567
- Blessings Bowl
- Offering gift sets which consist of a Mexican pewter or hand-thrown stoneware bowl which will contain blessings written by or for the recipient. Photographs, ordering facility and sample blessings.
- 568
- Circle of Blessings
- Handpainted and beaded Blessings Bags to hold crystals, amulets, herbs, or affirmations. With photographs and ordering information.
- 569
- Faces of Woman Spirit
- Offers spiritual training for women, together with a variety of divination and spiritual products.
- 570
- Intuitive Express
- Twelve intuitively created pictographic images and their corresponding information to assist the individual in their own life navigation.
- 571
- Karma Repair Kit
- Combining ancient concepts with modern approaches to repair past life mistakes in order to achieve current life peace and happiness.
- 573
- Star Roots 13
- Pocket and mini wall calendars based on the Mayan dreamspell. Overview, sample pages and ordering information.
- 574
- The Labyrinth Shop
- Replications of historic and contemporary labyrinth designs, finger labyrinths, and other personal devotional items.
- 575
- Amber Lotus Publishing
- Publishers and wholesalers of new age calendars, greetings cards and journals.
- 576
- Inner Light Resources
- Color-coded charts for reflexology, feng shui, chakras, crystals, aromatherapy, and astrology.
- 577
- Kheops International
- A wide variety of figurines, tapestries, candles and incense, jewelry, and ritual supplies. Includes complete product catalog.