- 81
- An explanation of what utilitarianism is, its strong relationship to altruism, and a place to network to put the philosophy of utilitarianism into practice and thereby make the world a better place.
- 82
- Utilitarianism Glossary
- Entries on utilitarian philosophers and terms by the Penguin Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- 83
- Utilitarianism Resources
- Classic utilitiarian texts; defending utilitarianism from its critics; its relation with collectivism and hedonism - and the ultimate aim of utilitarianism.
- 84
- Centre for Human Bioethics
- Monash University's One-Stop bioethics site. Bioethics degree programs, Bioethics Resources Centre Center, Bioethics research.
- 85
- Department of Medical Humanities, East Carolina University
- Research, education programs, newsletter, and internet links in the area of medical ethics.
- 86
- Institute of Human Values in Health Care
- At the Medical University of South Carolina: an interdisciplinary group of scholars whose mission is to bring a more philosophical approach to medicine.
- 87
- Johns Hopkins: Berman Institute of Bioethics
- Undertakes research into some of today’s most complex moral challenges. The Institute develops ethically-acceptable alternatives in medical, scientific and public health policy.
- 88
- University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics
- Bioethics resources site, with dedicated link pages to Women's Health, Genetics and Ethics, and End-of-life decision making.
- 89
- Journal of Medical Ethics
- First published in 1975, Journal of Medical Ethics is a leading international journal, which reflects the field of medical ethics.
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- Monash Bioethics Review
- Australia's oldest and its only peer reviewed bioethics journal. Original articles, ethics committee supplement, news in brief, book reviews and resources.
- 91
- Provide the clinical, legal, academic, scientific, religious and broad community-at-large with a rapid but comprehensive debate of issues in bioethics. Our further goal is to inspire and inform research and writing across disciplines, through target articles, peer commentary, book reviews, qualitative research, literary criticism, photography and graphic arts, and comments on developments in law and medical science.
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- American Society of Bioethics and Humanities
- Professional society of individuals, organizations, and institutions interested in bioethics and humanities.
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- Bioethics, Inc.
- Commercial organisation providing bioethics, clinical ethics, research ethics consultancy services.
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- French National Consultative Bioethics Committee
- Opinions, recommendations and reports, in English, published by the Committee
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- International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO
- Is one of many international bodies dealing with the subject of bioethics. Contains mostly minutes of forums meetings and various resolutions.
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- International Center for Bioethics, Culture and Disability
- Extensive site on bioethics, particularly as pertaining to the rights of disabled people.
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- Lifestudies.Org
- Information about philosophy of life, environmental ethics, bioethics, and gender studies.