- 62
- Beyond vegetarianism, by Anders Sandberg
- Taking vegetarianism to its logical conclusion, from a transhumanist point of view...
- 63
- Punkerslut - Essential of Vegetarianism
- An essay which examines the importance of living a Vegetarian lifestyle, based on the philosophical arguments that defend the rights of animals.
- 66
- Abelard - The Just War
- Short paper discussing the notion of 'just war' in historic context and with reference to current affairs (2002).
- 67
- Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - The Philosophy of War
- The Philosophy of War - Introductory article covering war, what causes war, human nature and war, and war and political and moral Philosophy.
- 68
- Devoted to public education in just war theory and its application in international law and foreign policy.
- 69
- The Chronicle - When Teaching the Ethics of War Is Not Academic
- By Shannon E. French. Ethics instructor discusses teaching what makes professional soldiers different than terrorists.
- 70
- Ecofeminist Philosophy Resources
- Audio, visual and text resources in ecofeminist philosophy and its related fields. Associated with Erratic Impact.
- 71
- Environmental Feminism
- Information on ecofeminism and environmental feminism. On the Feminist Theory Website.
- 72
- Animal Rights Debate: Peter Singer vs Richard A. Posner
- Debate on between the animal liberation philosopher Peter Singer and the US judge Richard Posner.
- 73
- Evolution and Philosophy: Social Darwinism
- Evolution does not have moral consequences, and does not make cosmic purpose impossible.
- 76
- 'Could Kant have been a Utilitarian?'
- Provocative extract from the book Sorting Out Ethics by the late R. M. Hare. "Kant, I shall argue, could have been a utilitarian, though he was not. His formal theory can certainly be interpreted in a way that allows him - perhaps even requires him - to be one kind of utilitarian."