Skeptical Inquiry
- 62
- Insolitology: So, You Wanna Be a Psychic?
- Description of cold reading techniques, with several illustrations from readings by TV psychic John Edwards. (July 01, 2002)
- 63
- 1938 War of the Worlds Broadcast
- WAV files of the famous Orson Welles narrating The Mercury Theatre On-The-Air radio broadcast of H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds.
- 65
- Camel Spiders Myth
- Pictures and information provide facts to debunk wild internet rumors about this spider.
- 66
- Cliff Pickover's Internet Encyclopedia of Hoaxes
- Discusses a number of scientific and medical hoaxes, including Mary Toft and the Rabbit Babies (about which he authored a book). Includes links and images.
- 69
- SCIgen - An Automatic Computer Science Paper Generator
- SCIgen is a program that generates random computer science research papers, including graphs, figures, and citations. It uses a hand-written context-free grammar to form all elements of the papers. Generated papers are meant for amusement.
- 70
- Skeptic's Dictionary: Frauds and Hoaxes
- Discussion of 22 hoaxes, including Cardiff Giant, crop circles, and the Philadelphia Experiment
- 72
- The Jackalope Conspiracy
- Hoax site contains user submitted sightings, doctored images, and related humour.
- 73
- Tracking the White Salamander
- Online Book telling the story of Mark Hoffman who forged Mormon documents and was convicted of murder
- 74
- CSI: Shroud of Turin
- Article by Joe Nickell on an assertion by Rogers in 2005 that radiocarbon tests that dated the linen between 1260 and 1390 were invalid because the sampling was faulty.
- 75
- Science Meets Religion: Shroud of Turin
- Discussion of Shroud of Turin controversy from the perceived perspective of the Catholic Church.
- 77
- The Shroud of Turin is a Forgery
- Article examining the evidence and concluding that this relic is just one of many historical forgeries.
- 78
- Comments on the FOX Special on the Hoax
- Lengthy review of the Fox special "Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?"