Skeptical Inquiry
- 41
- New Mexicans for Science and Reason
- Non-profit group promoting science, the scientific method, rational thinking, and the critical examination of extraordinary claims. Includes articles and information about their activities.
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- Ottawa Skeptics
- Aims to promote the use of the scientific method, critical thinking and rational thought in the Ontario community. Provides news, articles and information on membership and events.
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- Rocky Mountain Skeptics
- Nonprofit educational and investigative organization, founded to promote critical thinking.
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- Skepsis: Articles in English
- A Norwegian skeptical organisation presents articles holding various claims and beliefs up to critical examination.
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- Tampa Bay Skeptics
- A nonprofit scientific and educational organization that critically examines paranormal and fringe-science claims and publishes a quarterly newsletter.
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- The James Randi Educational Foundation
- Foundation headed by professional magician exposes psychics, faith healers, and such. Offers a million dollar reward for proof of occult, psychic or supernatural powers.
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- The Merseyside Skeptics Society
- Merseyside, UK. Includes a weblog, information about meetings, and their podcast "Skeptics with a K".
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- The New England Skeptical Society
- U.S. regional organization dedicated to the promotion of science and reason, particularly the investigation of paranormal and pseudoscientific claims.
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- Fledgeling Skeptic
- An educational site for people who are just learning about skepticsm and want to investigate it further. Includes a wide range of basic skeptical topics.
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- Massimo's Skeptic and Humanist Web
- Addresses the topics of skepticism and secular humanism. Includes lectures, handouts, and an online column. Also has links to book reviews and essays.
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- The Sceptics' Book of Pooh-Pooh
- Blog principally by Australian skeptic Rachael Dunlop. Topics include alternative medicine, psychics, and science in the media.
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- The Skeptic's Field Guide
- A guide to identifying fallacies in arguments and thinking. Includes an e-book and podcast.