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- California State University, Chico SPS
- Events, announcements, tutoring schedule, activities and photos, officers, and news for physics majors.
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- New York State Section - AAPT
- Mission, details about previous and upcoming meetings, programs and grants, and contact details.
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- PhysTEC: Physics Teacher Education Coalition
- The mission of PhysTEC is to improve and promote the education of future physics and physical science teachers.
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- Society of Physics Students: University of Texas at Austin
- Information on the society, calendar of events, resources and a "Physics survival guide".
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- University of Maryland
- The Society of Physics Students is a diverse group of students hailing from all parts of campus. While a majority of our members are physics majors, we have members in areas ranging from computer science to government and politics.
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- University of Minnesota SPS
- About the group, meetings, members, events, GRE preparation, and useful links.
- 48
- Bill Beaty's The Science Hobbyist
- Provides a large number of links to many topics of interest to the scientist, educator and science-curious. Main topics are amateur science, weird science, and cool science.
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- Physics Linkpage
- Links to pages and papers about physics, astronomy and related topics. Most of them are collected by the members of the Hawking-forum, a www-discussion-board. It often points directly to a paper instead of simply linking the homepage of the organization.
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- Brockport High School Physics Labs
- Nearly 40 lab experiments which could be used as demonstrations or ready-to-go labs.
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- Interactive Science Teacher
- Offers a series of science lesson plans providing original lessons for 8th grade students. Includes free downloads and interactive lessons that can be purchased online.
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- Practical High School Physics Lessons
- Useful applications of physics knowledge. Basic and advanced discussions of fairly common questions which can be addressed by physics considerations.
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- Center For Science and Mathematics Teaching
- Develops curricula, activities, and computer tools which allow students to participate actively in their own learning and to construct scientific knowledge for themselves. Using these materials the students learn directly from the physical world.
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- Dave's Physics Education Page
- Talks, papers and favorite quotes and links of Ohio State Professor Dave Van Domelen.
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- Innovative Teaching Techniques and US-Developed Materials
- Canadian students do not find physics teaching materials developed for and tested on American students to be particularly challenging. [PDF]
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- KSU Physics Education Research Group
- Kansas State University has one of the oldest active physics education research programs in the US. The Physics Education Group investigates how students learn and understand physics and develops ways to improve the learning and teaching of physics. Program is headed by Dean Zollman.