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- APS - Division of Physics of Beams
- History of beam physics research, and current information on the topic.
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- Andes Physics Tutor
- Andes is an intelligent tutoring system which teaches students how to solve physics problems. It provides a complete set of homework problems for an introductory college physics course or a high school AP physics course.
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- Art Ludwig's Sound Page
- Various explorations of sound, sound detection and sound measurement. Includes a section on physics of sound.
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- Communities for Physics and Astronomy Digital Resources in Education (comPADRE)
- A project to create well organized, digital collections of high quality educational materials in physics and astronomy. ComPADRE consists of focused collections of materials for specific courses or serving specific constituencies, with connections to a wide range of online digital resources including curricular materials, digital libraries, and online journals, user communities that participate in the development and operation of these collections.
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- Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP)
- A non-profit organization of teachers, educators, and physicists; at Lawrence Berkeley Lab.
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- CosmoLearning Physics
- Educational website offering thousands of courses, books and video lectures by the world's top scholars.
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- Fundamental Physical Constants from NIST
- The values of the fundamental physical constants provided at this site are recommended for international use by CODATA and are the latest available.
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- How Atoms Work
- Shows how man determined the structure of the atom and learned how atoms interacted with each other.
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- How to Study Physics
- A University of Texas classic, written before the web was around, but now revised and web-ready.
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- International Physics Olympiads
- Regional and international physics olympiads. Information, mailing lists, and links to all the IPhO problems available on the web.
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- Intuitor - Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics
- Reviews and rates Hollywood movies for bad physics content.
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- Kenny Felder's Math and Physics Help Page
- A collection of papers written to explain various concepts in math and physics, as well as papers generously donated by other people.
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- Mathematical Thinking in Physics
- Articles, essays, and problems designed for students to learn more about the importance of math in the study and application of physics.
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- Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT)
- Peer-reviewed online teaching and learning materials for physics.
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- NSTA - Position Statement on Laboratory Science
- Since the laboratory experience is of critical importance in the process of enhancing students' cognitive and affective understanding of science, the National Science Teachers Association makes the following recommendations.
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- Open Source Physics
- The OSP project seeks to create and distribute curricular material for physics computation and physics education at all levels.