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- Physics Central
- The outreach site of the members of The American Physical Society. Find out how physics is part of your world, ask questions on how things work, see physics in pictures, get updates on physics in the news, read about research and the people who are doing it and, if you want more, recommended links.
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- Physics
- Provides an easy to use online physics textbook including laws, tables, experiments, a quiz and videos.
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- Physics Teacher Education Program
- Information on a BSc degree in physics teaching from Illinois State University.
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- Physics Virtual Bookshelf
- A collection mostly of University of Toronto physics professor David M. Harrison's various presentations and course materials.
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- Physics at Merton College
- Matters related to the AS-level and A-level physics courses. The material covers topics in physics and its related mathematics and will supplement one's normal classwork.
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- Physics for Idiots
- Provides simple explanations for a number of physics, space and maths concepts, trying to break them down into stuff that actually makes sense.
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- Physics, the Neglected Science
- Pages to help increase awareness about the value of physics and to lend support to high school physics students, teachers, and parents.
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- QuarkNet
- Supports centers at 60 universities and laboratories that are participants in the collider experiments at CERN in Switzerland and at Fermilab in Illinois. Physicists will mentor and collaborate with high school teachers. Stipends are provided to the teachers who participate.
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- Science Animations
- Provides a number of Flash animations to supplement handbooks in physics, maths and technology.
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- Science-Pseudoscience
- Science, non-science and pseudoscience: a set of lessons to teach students to define and differentiate the three.
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- Select Physics Topics
- This physics online ebook covers basic physics from Newton's laws to electricity and magnetism. Lots of applets and animation included.
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- Simple Electric Motors
- Summary of science projects by Stan Pozmantir, a junior secondary student. Easy-to-build and inexpensive electric motors utilizing many physics principles.
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- Society of Physics Students (SPS)
- Complete set of information for members of any level of SPS. Scholarships and awards, news, activities, staff, structure, online forms, student resources, and links to significant physics sites.
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- Teralab
- Descriptions and photographs of electrostatics, electron bombardment and wave experiments done with home equipment.
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- Thermal and Statistical Physics Curriculum Development Project
- Includes an introduction to the project and its conferences, related papers and links, and some Java applets.
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- Web Physics Project
- A flexible low budget outlet for small volume, high quality, HTML-based curricular material. It provides a forum for physics educators to exchange curriculum ideas and resources that make use of web technology (primarily public domain material), and provides a medium for the dissemination of student work.