Logic and Foundations
- 41
- Logical Laws
- This page includes a collection of logical laws of the first-order logic. This collection is based on the Kleene's collection from his books 'Introduction to Metamathematics' and 'Mathematical Logic' and includes a few additions.
- 42
- University of Alberta Logic Course
- Includes an introduction to logic and formal systems, revolving around the Mizar proof checker, and a guide to Mizar.
- 46
- Deutsche Vereinigung für Mathematische Logik und für Grundlagen der Exakten Wissenschaften (DVMLG)
- Supports research in Mathematical Logic and the Foundations of the exact sciences in Germany; organizes a bi-annual conference. [Partly in German]
- 49
- Aczel, Peter
- University of Manchester - Philosophy and foundations of mathematics and computing, mathematical logic, categorical logic.
- 51
- Avigad, Jeremy
- Carnegie Mellon University - Proof theory, constructive mathematics, proof complexity, the history and philosophy of mathematics.
- 52
- Awodey, Steve
- Carnegie Mellon University - Category theory, logic, history and philosophy of mathematics and logic.
- 53
- Barendregt, Henk
- Radboud University Nijmegen - Lambda calculus, type theory and formalising mathematical vernacular.
- 54
- Blass, Andreas R.
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - Set theory, finite combinatorics, theoretical computer science.