Logic and Foundations
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- Classical Logic
- Introduction to classical logic, including completeness and Löwenheim-Skolem theorems; by Stewart Shapiro.
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- Set Theory and Foundations of Mathematics
- Personal project to rebuild mathematics in a short and rigorous way from a new formalization of set theory, and explain its philosophical aspects. Also includes some physics.
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- Hypercomputation Research Network
- The study of computation beyond that defined by the Turing machine, also known as super-Turing, non-standard or non-recursive computation. Links to people, resources and discussions.
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- Problem Solving Environments Home Page
- This site contains information about Problem Solving Environments (PSEs), research, publications, and information on topics related to PSEs.
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- A closed, moderated, e-mail list for discussing Foundations of Mathematics moderated by Martin Davis. Archive available.
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- Foundations of Mathematics
- Reviews the foundations of mathematics with reference materials structured as content pages of a book. Includes links to expository materials.
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- Hilbert II - Mathematical Foundation Project
- The Goal of Hilbert II, which is in the tradition of Hilbert's program, is the creation of a system that enables a working mathematician to put theorems and proofs (in the formal language of predicate calculus) into it.
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- Mizar Project
- An attempt to reconstruct mathematical vernacular into a formal language which can be read by humans and also verified by software.
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- Aristotle's Reform of Paideia
- Article by Evelyn Barker, arguing that the principal aim of Aristotle's Organon was to reform the contemporary paedagogical role of dialectic.
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- Logic
- Entry in the Catholic Encyclopaedia (1917), dominated by a historical survey from Indian and Pre-Aristotelian philosophy to the Logic of John Stuart Mill.
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- Texas Action Group
- TAG is group of researchers interested in the study of formal and automated reasoning about the effects of actions using action languages, logic programming under the answer set semantics, and related ideas.