Logic and Foundations
- 21
- G. Japaridze's Papers
- Full list of publications by this author, with about 30 items in the area of proof theory. Many of the papers are downloadable.
- 23
- Proof Theory as an Alternative to Model Theory
- Short article by Dale Miller, arguing that logic programming languages should base their semantics on proof theory, not model theory.
- 24
- The Calculus of Structures
- The calculus of structures is a new proof theoretical formalism. It exploits a top-down symmetry of derivations made possible by deep inference.
- 25
- A New System of Axioms Instead of ZF
- The page claims that "the axioms shown below have the contents that should overturn the set theory of today".
- 26
- Bounded Set Theory
- A weak version of ordinary set theory using bounded quantification. Papers and software.
- 27
- Consequences of the Axiom of Choice Project
- Project to keep the book (also named in the title), describing forms related to the Axiom of Choice and their implications, updated.
- 28
- Extending Set Theory
- Extends the language of set theory through restricted self-reference and through certain large cardinals. Also discusses higher order set theory and axiomatization through reflection principles.
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- Infinite Ink: The Continuum Hypothesis, by Nancy McGough
- History, mathematics, metamathematics, and philosophy of Cantor's Continuum Hypothesis.
- 30
- Programming with Sets
- Using set-theoretic primitives as a conceptual tool in programming, includes discussion of SETL and MIRANDA languages.