- 3
- Solution
- Specializes in employee evaluation and development projects. Offers human resources solutions.
- 4
- Top Language Jobs
- Specialist language recruitment job portal for language jobs in Poland. Includes job search, CV registration and email alert service.
- 5
- Agency for Agriculture Market
- Performs intervention purchases on the agriculture product market, especially in grain, butter and sugar
- 6
- Agency for Industrial Development
- State owned company supporting economic transformation of state enterprises, rescheduling their debt and providing loans.
- 7
- ICL - Poland Index
- Complete copies and links to the country's Constitution, along with related background, history and events, provided by International Constitutional Law.
- 8
- Ministry of Economy
- Responsible for industry, trade, tariffs, special economic zones, WTO liaisons, small and medium enterprises, supervising trade counsellors in Polish embassies abroad.
- 9
- Ministry of Sport and Tourism
- Provides support to the Minister of Sport and Tourism in Poland. Includes press releases, statistics and ministry organization.
- 11
- Office of Technical Inspection
- Performs checks of technical devices (lifts, elevators, cranes, high pressure devices).
- 12
- Polish Center for Testing and Certification
- Supervises system of testing and certification in Poland, runs quality system certification according to PN-ISO 9000 norm.
- 14
- Supreme Chamber of Audit
- Auditing state institutions and institutions receiving public funds. Independent from the government.
- 16
- Wikipedia : Bronisław Komorowski
- Entry about the 5th President of Poland in the online collaborative encyclopaedia.
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