K through 12
- 381
- Reid, Matthew
- Teacher at Utica Christian School in Utica, WI. Parents and students can view grades and assignments and get all the latest news in activities and sports.
- 382
- Stutz, Dave - Mr. Stutz's School Site
- Lesson plans, resources, and links relating to world cultures, geography, international education, and ancient history. International School of Belgrade, Serbia.
- 383
- YourHomework.com
- Free service allowing K-12 teachers to post homework assignments. Also provides homework help, school fundraising information, and chatrooms for children.
- 384
- Howard Gardner's Seven Types of Intelligence
- Psychologist Howard Gardner identified seven distinct types of intelligence. They are listed with respect to gifted or talented children.
- 385
- Mind-Works
- Provides information on identifying and working with giftedness, dual exceptionality, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, and different learning styles. Boston Metro-west area.
- 386
- Misdiagnosis of the Gifted
- Gifted individuals face many challenges. One of them may be in getting correctly identified by psychotherapists and others as gifted.
- 387
- Pennsylvania Chapter 16 Regulations for Gifted Education
- Contains new laws regarding gifted in Pennsylvania.
- 388
- Texas State Plan for Education of Gifted / Talented Students
- The Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted and Talented Students, from the Texas Education Agency.
- 390
- Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University- IL
- Provides testing and talent development programs for gifted children.
- 391
- Council for Exceptional Children
- International professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted.
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- Gifted Children Australia
- Provides support, news, resources and information for parents and families.
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- Gifted Conference Planners
- Organizers of the BeyondIQ conferences for professionals, parents, children, and other gifted people.
- 394
- National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE)
- Assists able and talented children to reach their full potential by raising awareness as well as giving support to teachers, other professionals and the wider educational community.
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- Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development
- Collaborative effort of the University of Connecticut, City University of New York/City College, Stanford University, University of Virginia, Yale University, 52 state and territorial departments of education, over 360 public and private schools, over 167 content area consultants, and stakeholders representing professional organizations, parent groups, and businesses.
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- New Jersey Association for Gifted Children (NJAGC)
- State chapter of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC). Serves as a public advocate to disseminate information concerning the needs of gifted and talented children.
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- Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted
- It is the mission of SENG to support bright, talented, gifted individuals and their families, and the professionals who work with them, to better understand the nature of giftedness, and to help these individuals reach their personal potential.