K through 12
- 361
- Primary Catholic Partnership
- School-centred initial teacher training in the Southampton, UK area which promotes high standards of teaching and learning based on a Catholic philosophy of education.
- 362
- Teacher Training Agency (UK)
- An executive non-departmental public body whose purpose is to raise standards in schools by attracting able and committed people to teaching and by improving the quality of teacher training.
- 364
- NPR : One Year in the Life at Roosevelt High School, A Special Report
- NPR's Robert Smith is spending a year following the students and faculty at Roosevelt High School in Seattle, Wash. -- the largest high school in the city. (October 01, 2001)
- 365
- Bureau Of Education and Research
- Sponsor of staff development training for professional educators in the United States and Canada. Offering seminars, videos and self-study resources.
- 367
- California Subject Matter Projects
- A professional development community for teachers. Each subject area, such as science or history, has a project. Calendar of development opportunities, discussion forums, resource links, content standards for each project.
- 368
- Continuing Education for Teachers
- Online professional education courses/workshops for K-8 classroom and special education teachers. Courses designed to comply with the No Child Left Behind Act and/or state standards.
- 369
- Council For Professional Recognition
- Promotes the Child Development Associate (CDA) National Credentialing Program, a major national (United States) movement to improve the quality of child care. The program is designed to assess and credential early care and education professionals based on performance.
- 370
- Education Schools Project
- Provides a critical assessment of the ways in which the United States' 1,200 schools of education prepare--and should prepare--teachers, school administrators, and education researchers.
- 371
- National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)
- Works to help establish high quality teacher preparation through the process of professional accreditation of schools, colleges and departments of education.
- 372
- Show Me Center
- Providing information and resources to support selection and implementation of standards-based middle grades mathematics curricula.
- 373
- Waterford Teachers' Centre
- Located in the South East of Ireland, an education support centre providing national and local inservices, as well as resources for teachers, students and parents.
- 374
- Madison Teachers Inc.
- Represents the teachers, substitutes, educational assistants, supportive educational employees and school security assistants of Madison, Wisconsin. Newsletter, press releases, issue papers, and membership details.
- 375
- Substitute Teacher Today
- Online newsletter offering tips, advice, editorials, and links to other sites about Substitute Teaching.
- 376
- Substitute Teaching - Tricks Of The Trade
- A description of the good, bad, and the ugly of substitute teaching. Also offers a list of suggested magazine articles, books and videos.
- 377
- Substitute Teaching: An Insider's View
- An article providing guidance to current and potential substitute teachers. Discusses situations substitutes may encounter and offers suggestions.