World Cuisines
- 1
- Alaskan, New Zealand, and Irish Recipes
- Favourite recipes of a big family, spread out across the globe.
- 2
- The Recipe Bin
- Large number of recipes indexed by country, including top secret recipes.
- 3
- Caribbean Dutch Cookbook
- Features recipes from the Caribbean, Holland, Germany, France, China, and Indonesia.
- 5
- International Cuisine Recipes Index
- Recipes listed by country from Australia to Vietnam.
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- Food in Every Country
- Recipes and information about the history and traditions connected with local foods. Includes a bibliography and additional web resources.
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- Larry's Foreign Food Guide
- Small selection of basic Mexican, Italian, and Chinese recipes, with links.
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- Margarita's International Recipes
- Cooking international food alphabetically: menus from Afghanistan to Belgium, and other international recipes.
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- Showcases the benefits of the Mediterranean and the Asian diet and lifestyle, including over 100 recipes.
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- Rice recipes from around the world, as well as information on rice varieties and cooking methods.
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- Serving the Guest: A Sufi Cookbook and Art Gallery
- Recipes from the Maghreb to Indonesia, ranging from small helpings to substantial dishes and from soups to sweets.
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- The Gumbo Pages: Culinary World Tour
- Favourite recipes from across the world with detailed preparation instructions.
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- World Recipes
- International recipes collected from around the world, with glossary of cooking terms and ingredients.
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- Afri Chef: African Recipes
- Cookbook presentation with sample recipes, such as Pea Soup 'n Meat, and Wildebeeskastaiings.
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- Africa - African Recipes
- Collection of some fifteen recipes, organised bij course, at World Recipes.
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- African Chop
- Listing of African markets and restaurants along with some recipes and a glossary of tropical foods.