Ear, Nose and Throat
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- Chicago Dizziness and Hearing
- Information about dizziness, balance and hearing provided by Dr Timothy C. Hain. Includes educational material for patients and practice support materials for clinicians.
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- Ear Nose and Throat Patient Information
- A large selection of brochures for patients to learn about ear, nose, throat and sinuses. A section for health care providers regarding diagnoses and treatment for sinus disease.
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- Hear-it
- Provides information about hearing and hearing loss. Includes facts and figures and information about the causes, signs, consequences and treatment of hearing loss. Includes section on children.
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- Otoophtalmical Neurophysiology
- Patient and scientific information about vertigo, dizziness, tinnitus and other neurosensorial disorders, diagnosis and treatment. In Spanish, English and German.
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- The Empty Nose Syndrome Association
- Non-profit organization founded to inform the public of possible negative side effects related to sinus and turbinate reduction surgery.
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- American Academy of Otolaryngology: Ears
- Provides fact sheets on a large number of conditions that can affect the ear, their symptoms and treatment.
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- eMedicine Health - Ear Pain, Scuba Diving
- Presents the risks and treatments for scuba induced ear problems.
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- eMedicine Health - Foreign Body, Ear
- Consumer health resource center providing the symptoms and treatment of this common problem.
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- European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2007
- European guidance on the treatment of acute and chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal polyposis for professionals.
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- Nose and Mouth
- Provides fact sheets on a large number of conditions that can affect the nose and mouth, their symptoms and treatment.
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- Rhinology International Journal
- Official Organ of the International Rhinologic Society. The journal publishes original papers on basic research and clinical studies in the major field of rhinology, including physiology, diagnostics, pathology, immunology, medical therapy and surgery of both the nose and paranasal sinuses.
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- eMedicine Health - Foreign Body, Nose
- Consumer health resource center providing the symptoms and treatment of this common problem.
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- Throat
- Provides fact sheets on a large number of conditions that can affect the throat, their symptoms and treatment.
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- MedlinePlus: Acoustic Neuroma
- Encyclopedia article including a definition of this condition, its causes, symptoms, tests, treatment and prognosis.
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- Wobbler's Anonymous
- A support group for people who have vestibular damage caused by gentamicin or related drugs.
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- Costal Cartilage Tracheoplasty for Congenital Long-Segment Tracheal Stenosis
- Results of a study to evaluate the outcome of costal cartilage tracheoplasty for the treatment of this rare condition. [PDF]