Ear, Nose and Throat
- 101
- Michael J. A. Robb, M.D
- Specializing in diseases and disorders of the ear and the brain. Located in Phoenix.
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- Oregon Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Treatment Center
- Includes identification, definitions, treatments, clinic observations, and research. Also a large list of all drugs associated with tinnitus condition. Located in Portland, Oregon.
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- Shea Ear Clinic
- Since 1926 the Shea Ear Clinic has specialized in ear diseases, hearing loss and Otology research with a complete outpatient surgical center and diagnostic facilities
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- The Canadian Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Centre
- Our aim is to promote the awareness of tinnitus and noises in the ear.
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- Australian Tinnitus Association (NSW) Ltd
- Aims to provide information, support and counselling to tinnitus sufferers and preventative education to the wider community.
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- Birmingham Tinnitus Support Group
- Registered charity providing information and support for those suffering from this disorder. Offers details about the group, papers and membership information.
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- British Tinnitus Association
- Registered charity provides free telephone support, advice and information from health professionals, as well as funding research in the UK. Features contact details and publications to download.
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- Cure Tinnitus Discussion Board
- Forum for those with this condition and those who support the people stricken with tinnitus.
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- Tinnitus Advice and Tips for a Treatment and Cure
- Personal suggestions on how to deal with this disorder and a forum for other sufferers to share their own experiences.
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- Whooshers.com
- A forum for people suffering from pulsatile tinnitus, a form of tinnitus in which a constant whooshing, heartbeat-like sound is heard in one or both ears.
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- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
- Article for patients describing this condition, its causes, diagnosis and treatment both at the surgery and at home.
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- MedlinePlus: Benign Positional Vertigo
- Encyclopedia article including the causes of this condition, its symptoms, tests, treatment and prognosis.