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- Games set in Ancient Rome
- Modern games on the topic of Ancient Rome including over 100 different games.
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- Trev's boardgames
- The jousting tournament to decide who is the most fearless knight can begin. Well armoured, the fighters enter the arena.
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- Blood Royale
- Description of the game. Blood Royale is a game of treachery, double-dealing, power-politics, dynastic aggrandisement and open warfare, set in the world of 14th Century Europe.
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- Wikipedia: Carcassonne - Hunters and Gatherers
- Article describing the gameplay, scoring and expansion tiles of this standalone variant game.
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- El Grande
- To collect most points during 9 turns (6 in the short version). The counting for points are done after turn 3, 6 and 9. You get points by having most (2nd and 3rd gets less points) caballeros in the castle and in respective region. Some other things gives bonus points, as the one with most caballeros in the king's region and in your home region.
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- Escape from Atlantis
- To lead your Atlantis villagers in the courageous escape from the island of Atlantis, which is doomed to destruction, to security at the nearby coral islands. The winner is the one who at the end of game has succeeded in saving the most of his own villagers. The game ends as soon as someone succeeds to get all his surviving villagers in security.
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- Euphrat & Tigris / Tigris & Euphrates
- Tigris is a game about great civilizations. Your task is to build kingdoms and then empires, establish trade and agriculture, ensure your borders are secure, acquire treasures and construct monuments to the gods. Game Cabinet review.
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- The Raid of Hägbar the Horrible
- The game is interrupted when the first one succeeds to get 7 loots home. All loot is now counted and gives as many points as possible, depending of the quality of them and what their wife think of them.
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- Highlanders / Rheingold
- To conquer as many strongholds as possible. The players must form his warriors to mighty troops and put them into the battles, to have a chance to drive away the defenders of the strongholds. The player who have the most important strongholds at the end of the game, is the winner. Game of the year in Germany 1993.
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- Jolly Roger
- To fetch keys, find the chest at the ship, and return with it to hiding-place. Features description and pictures of components.
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- Games Site by Rick Heli: Lords of the Renaissance
- Contains review, official errata, variant and strategic analysis.
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- Rick Heli: Lords of the Sierra Madre
- Background articles in the news, organized official errata, analysis of various starting positions, table of possible player actions, summary of all the cards, summary of the smelters, official introductory scenario and a variant.
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