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- Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports
- The journal's articles come from a wide variety of sports and perspectives and deal with tournament structure, and frequency and occurrence of records.
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- Sloan Sports Conference
- Annual conference on sports analytics organized by the Sloan Business School (MIT).
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- Sportheory
- Calculates various rankings and statistics of college sport teams: football, basketball, baseball, softball and ice hockey.
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- Sports Club Stats
- Calculates MLB, NFL, NBA, and NHL teams' odds of making the playoffs and also estimates which upcoming games will impact those odds.
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- Statistics in Sports - Section of the American Statistical Association
- Promotes publications devoted to statistical theory and methodology and their application to statistics in sports.
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- The-Sports
- Presents results from more than 50 sports and summarizes them with various statistics. It provides sport results and scores, sport statistics and help for sport betting.
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