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- Koryu.com
- Martial arts of the Japanese samurai. Photos, articles, and book reviews on authentic Koryu Bujutsu (classic samurai martial arts).
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- Shinto Muso-ryu Jo
- Site for the Pan-American Jo Federation, a member of the International Jodo Federation. Provides general information on style, seminar, events, activities and news letter.
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- Meishin Kyudojo
- Illustrated FAQs with information drawn from the author's book plus further reading, addresses, and links.
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- American Kyudo Renmei
- The national governing body for kyudo in the USA affiliated to the All Nippon Kyudo Federation (ANKF) and International Kyudo Federation (IKYF). Contact addresses and home pages of the USA state organizations and dojo.
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- Hokkaido University Kyudojo
- A Japanese site with some English content. Movie of a Kyudoka, Japanese texts with English translation, a Japanese-English Kyudo dictionary.
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- Japan Equestrian Archery Association
- The governing body of Takeda ryu. The English part of the web site gives an introduction to yabusame and other forms of horseback archery, including the school's history, technical and formal details, a list of annual events, and a gallery.
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- Kyudo Association of Canada
- Currently one dojo in Vancouver, affiliated to the Georgia Kyudo Renmei. News, forum, FAQ, image gallery, contact information.
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- Kyudo South Africa
- Kyudo at Mark's Park Archery Club in Emmerentia. Training hours, contactinformation, and weblog.
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- Kyudo in Bavaria
- Bavarian association (DKyuB member) offering introduction, contact addresses and events. [English/German/French]
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- Ogasawara-ryu
- The oldest extant kyudo ryu, which also includes horsemanship / yabusame and sophisticated etiquette at court. The English part of this web site contains a very short overview of the school`s history, current events and a picture of yabusame.
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- The White Rose Kyudojo
- This dojo in London is the oldest public kyudo club in Great Britain, features training address and email, club history, and kyudo background.
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- United Kingdom Kyudo Association
- The kyudo association of Great Britain (EKF-affiliated), very short information and an email address
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- kyudojo
- Online kyudo community with discussion forum, articles and news in Italian, English and Japanese.
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- Southern California Naginata Federation
- Style history, terminology and blade construction. Includes seminars, dojo locations, FAQs and related information.