MainSportsDisabledEvents › Team Everest 03

Team Everest 03

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Scan day: 03 February 2014 UTC
Virus safety - good
Description: A team of people with disabilities plans to climb to the base camp on Mount Everest in 2003. Sponsored by The Coalition of Texans with Disabilities, a Texas, statewide advocacy group for people with disabilities. Includes team member profiles, news, facts, and daily logs and photos.
Team Everest '03: Making a Difference "You are continuing to show what we in the disabled community have always known. Give us the opportunity and the tools and we will break every barrier out there."
Size: 215 chars

Contact Information

Phone&Fax: 512-478-3366


Page title:Team Everest '03
Keywords:Everest 2003,Team Everest,Everest Expedition,Everest News,Gary Guller,Gary Scott,Hillary, Norgay,50th anniversary,Arun Expeditions,Coalition of Texans with Disabilities,CTD,Austin,Texas,Everest Base Camp
Description:Team Everest '03 - Disability Awareness to the Top of the World