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Scan day: 16 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Eartharomas produces smudge bundles tied with horse hair in the old way. Also sweetgrass braids, feather fans, charcoal discs and earthen bowls. Based in Kenilworth, Australia.
Eartharomas Herbcraft - organic smudging herb bundles smudge sticks We grow, dry and package a variety of extraordinary herbs on our property at Draper, North-West of Brisbane. These herbs all have a timeless tradition of use around the world for clearing and cleansing, healing and protecting homes, spaces, families and individuals. We harvest, dry and hand craft these herbs into smudge bundles & loose packets for smudging.
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Page title:Eartharomas Herbcraft - organic smudging herb bundles smudge sticks
Keywords:Smudging, Eartharomas, smudge, bundle, stick, smudge stick, cleansing, healing, smoke, herbs, smudging, organic, sweetgrass braids, charcoal, discs, earthen, bowls, smudge bundles, Majik, Journey, Earthwalk, Alchemy, Cards, smudging ritual, ritual, smoke ritual, sage, desert sage, white sage, rosemary, lavender, emotional cleansing, rosemary, memory, thyme, cedar, white sage, desert sage, patchouli, protection, Spirit
Description:Eartharomas Herbcraft handmade, organic smudge bundles, smudge sticks and starter kits, loose smudging herbs, Sweetgrass braids, charcoal discs and all smudging accessories.