New Age
- 481
- Angels by Sharae
- Intuitive visionary creating angel portraits. Includes artist biography and galleries.
- 482
- Angels of Protection
- Angel mixed media paintings by Rob Jacobs. Read the story about how they originated, look through the virtual gallery, or contact the artist.
- 483
- Awaken Visions
- Visionary art with dolphins, whales, angels, mandalas, sacred spaces and landscapes of imagination. Artist offers web design and astrological pathwork too.
- 484
- Dance of Light Soulpaintings
- Spiritual oil paintings "made real." Divinely inspired artwork which portrays truth about a person's life. Paintings to promote healing on all levels.
- 485
- Ethereal Art
- Incorporates symbolic elements drawn from personal, mythic and archetypal imagery using these symbols as psychic touchstones.
- 486
- Everyday Mysteries
- Offering contemporary religious icons, cards, prints, labyrinths, and clay works honoring the Blessed Mother. Product information and photographs, with artist profiles.
- 487
- GaiaStarWorld
- Digitally remixed nature mandalas including fine art prints, books, calendars, and cards. Online gallery, custom artworks, divination readings, and essential oil blends.
- 488
- La Fortunae
- Collectible wood pendulums with sacred geometric forms, also radionic boards and magical art.
- 493
- Zuri Designs
- Handmade wooden boxes, coats, and floor cloths custom made to tell an individuals soul story.
- 494
- Aloha Mystics
- Over 1300 titles of recorded class-work on mystical principles by Virginia Stephenson and John Stephenson, based on the work of Joel Goldsmith.
- 495
- Eternal Wave
- Music and multi-media offerings for meditation and spirituality. Also offers books and free articles.
- 496
- Potentialsmedia
- Thought-provoking video series featuring conversations with some of the greatest thinkers and futurists of our time.
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- Tapes, books and workshops of Bob Frissell, a rebirther and facilitator trained by Drunvalo Melchizedek.