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Servants of the Light

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Scan day: 16 February 2014 UTC
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Description: A school of occult science. Membership is international, with courses offered based on teaching of people such as Regardie, Fortune and others.
Servants of the Light School of Occult Science, a fully contacted Mystery School teaching throughout the world by correspondence. S E R V A N T S  O F  T H E   L I G H T Servants Of the Light School of Occult Science
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Page title:Servants of the Light School of Occult Science, a fully contacted Mystery School teaching throughout the world by correspondence.
Keywords:servants of the light sol occult science school of occult science SOL Occult Science occult science western magical tradition western mystery tradition magic esoteric ritual light Servants correspondence course course kabbalah qabalah inner planes tree life magi magician adept Correspondence School contacted initiation grail Ritual Magic pathworking workshops lodges sanctum sanctorum divinity Sanctum Sanctorum Lodge Magdala Polaria, Starlight Phoenix Horus international order Order of the Inner Sanctum seminar fraternity hermetic golden dawn Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki Walter Ernest Butler Israel Regardie Gareth Knight Dion Fortune Robert King Herbie Brennan ipsissimus novitiate initiate mithras dionysos osiris jesus buddha zoroaster plato pythgoras socrates ptolemy hermes trismegistus enoch Adeptus Exemptus Correspondence School contacted initiation grail Ritual Magic pathworking workshopslodges sanctum sanctorum divinity Sanctum Sanctorum Lodge Magdala Polaria, Starlight Phoenix Horus international order Order of the Inner Sanctum seminar fraternity hermetic golden dawn Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki Walter Ernest Butler Israel Regardie Gareth Knight Dion Fortune Robert King Herbie Brennan wiccans witches pagans christians nuns priests shamans hermeticists kabbalists buddhists mythology egyptian arthurian celtic western Western Mysteries School of Alexandria Alexandria Ashcroft Nowicki Ashcroft Nowicki magic magick magical magician metaphysics metaphysical hermes hermetic hermetical hermeticism hermetecism het occult occultism esoteric Mathers Westcott Crowley Regardie school training cipher manuscript qabalah qabbala qabbalah qabala kabbalah kabala kabalah kabbala cabala cabbalah cabalah cabbala cabalistic kabalistic kabbalistic tree life tarot ceremonial ceremony ritual mystery mysteries alchemy alchemical angel angels archangel archangels angelic gnostic gnosticism gnosis egypt egyptian pagan neo-pagan neo neopagan paganism neo-paganism neopaganism isis osiris thoth tahuti anubis nuit sekhmet neters khem trismegistus trismegistos mystic mystical mysticism theurgy therugist rose rosy cross rosicrucian rosicrucianism christian rosencreutz rosenkreuz rosenkreutz astrology ordo rosae rubeae aureae crucis banishing pentagram hexagram gematria tattwa tattva sigil talisman tablet tablets magic magick magical magician metaphysics metaphysical golden dawn  hermes hermetic hermetical hermeticism hermetecism het nuit occult occultism esoteric Mathers Westcott Crowley Regardie Butler WE Butler Walter Ernest Butler Ernest Butler ageless wisdom  ceremonial magic  golden dawn hermetic hermetic christianity inner school kabbalah kabala metaphysical teaching mystery school occult path of return philosophers stone qabalah religion rosicrucian symbolism tarot transmutation tree of life western yoga occult science occult school initation initiate mystery school esoteric western mysteries heliopolis egyptian magic magic ritual magic magician occult psychism kabbalah qabalah tree of life correspondence course contacted Heliopolis Alexandria Frater S.A. Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki Herbie Brennan W. E. Butler Dion Fortune Hermetic Fellowship Magic Magick Hermetic Hermeticism Hermetism Qabalah Kabbalah Kabbala Kabalah Cabala Paganism Neo-Paganism Neopaganism Pagan Neo-Pagan Neopagan Golden Dawn Martinism Martinist Occultism Occult Rosicrucianism Rosicrucian Gnosticism Gnostic Wicca Wiccan Druidry Druidism Druid Witchcraft Wicca Alchemy Grail Theurgy Hermes Trismegistos Trismegistus Thoth Isis Ritual Ceremonial Alexandrine Alexandria Temple Tradition alchemists alchemy alchemy books alchemy courses Alchemy Guild ancient knowledge ancient wisdom arcane Arcanum astral body astrology Atlantis cabala caduceusChristian mysticism Egyptian mysteries elixir Emerald Tablet esoteric studies ether First Matter four elements freemasons gnosis gold Great Work herbal healing herbology Hermes Hermetic sciences initiation kaballahmagick meditation mercury mystical artouroboros pagan paranormal Philosopher’s Stone planetary practical alchemy psychic powers quantum Quintessence Rosenkreutz Rosicrucian Sorcerer’s Stone sorcerers spagyrics spiritual alchemy spiritual paths spiritualitytarot Thoth transformation transmutation Trismegistus uroboros Wiccan witches lectures calcination dissolution separation conjunction fermentation distillation coagulation Lodge of the Walker WalkerOpener starlight balsamic moon kether chockmah binah daath d'aath chesed geburah gedulah tipareth tiparet netzach hod yesod malkuth middle pillar lightening flash shemhamphoresh YHVH sephirah spheres chakras sephirot thrones wheels egregore elohim shining paths illuminations aleph beth mem shin atziluth briah yetzirah asiah asiyah assiah pillars four worlds jacim boaz severity mercy divine archangelic angelic material fallen fallen angels angels God gods goddess goddesses Mary Magdalene Mary Magdalene Gnostic Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Martinist British British Martinist tarot virtue vice pathworking highways mind highways of the mind body of light Daughters Eve Eve sacred Raphael Uriel Michael Gabriel One Tzaphkiel sirius crown wisdom understanding mercy power severity strength beauty victory glory foundation kingdom
Description:The Servants Of the Light School of Occult Science, also known as