Esoteric and Occult
- 621
- Renaissance Astrological Magic
- Introduction to theory and history of traditional magical astrology.
- 622
- Sympathy or the Devil
- Excellent resource. Discusses hermetic tradition in Renaissance talismanic magic.
- 623
- The Impact of Freemasonry on Elizabethan Literature
- Article by Ron Heisler from the Hermetic Journal.
- 624
- Order of The Astral Star
- High ceremonial magicians that maintains a theological basis in esoteric Christian mysticism.
- 626
- Polaris
- A Western Mystery Tradition, promoting alternative spirituality through meditation and ritual magic.
- 627
- Servants of the Light
- A school of occult science. Membership is international, with courses offered based on teaching of people such as Regardie, Fortune and others.
- 629
- Chaos Matrix: Temple ov Psychick Youth
- Offers a series of interviews, online transmissions and writings connected with the organization.
- 631
- B.O.T.A. School of Holy Qabalah and Sacred Tarot
- Builders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A.) is irrevocably dedicated to spiritual attunement through enlightened worship in the Tradition of the Western Mysteries. Its congregation is an association of spiritual aspirants who participate through the B.O.T.A. lesson instructions
- 633
- Fraternity of the Hidden Light
- An aquarian age mystery school of the Western mystery tradition provides courses and ongoing study groups. Based in Castle Rock, Colorado.
- 634
- House Kheperu
- An eclectic spiritual society dedicated to balance, education, and transformation. They see themselves as a wisdom tradition, with their function in the community to research and safeguard metaphysical knowledge as well as to pass this on to those who may benefit from it.
- 636
- AULIS Online
- Publishers of articles, books, DVDs and videos. Contains articles on topics including NASA hoaxes, the face on Mars, and alien intervention and information on products for sale.
- 637
- Astral Projection
- Improve your ability with frequency download or CD. Offers information and instructions.
- 638
- Cold Reading, Psychic Entertainment and Seance
- Products and resources for mentalists and psychic entertainers.