Cadence International
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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: International Christian ministry to military personnel and their families. Features a directory of ministries, resources, and photos.
Sharing the gospel and our lives with the military community Enter your member name and password to access your Cadence account. ', '' ) Ext.onReady(function(){ Ext.getBody().on( "click", function(e){ if(!e.within(Ext.get('login-box'))){ hideLogin(); } } ); }); function profileRegLogin(target) { var form = Ext.get(target); var user = form.child('[name=username]').getValue(); var pass = form.child('[name=password]').getValue(); var remember = form.child('[name=remember]').dom; var error= form.child('.login-error').dom; var errors = []; if (user.length==0 || pass.length==0) errors.push("Incorrect username or password provided!"); if (errors.length>0) { error.innerHTML = errors.join('
Size: 787 chars
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