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- Jesus Central
- Seeks to offer clear and credible information about the life, teachings and impact of Jesus. Includes Overview, courses, words of Jesus, historical sources, time line and application.
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- Jesus the Christ
- A Christology course by Gerard Hall, Australian Catholic University. Draws on modern historical scholarship, while maintaining respect for the sacred.
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- ReJesus
- Explores His life, character, teachings and followers, how He has been quoted and misquoted, written about, worshipped and argued over.
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- To The Ends Of The Earth
- Mystic, Prophet, Holy Man, Healer--who is Jesus? Did he really claim to be the Son of God? Is there any evidence to prove the extraordinary things claimed about him?
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- Who is Jesus?
- Lists Christian resources that will help a person understand who Jesus Christ is and answer questions that they may have. Has resources for children, seekers, and mature Christians.
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- Why the Historical Jesus Matters
- An essay by Stephen Davis, professor of philosophy and religion at Claremont McKenna College in Claremont, California. He argues that there is a strong link between the Jesus found in the Gospels and the Christ Whom Christians worship.
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- @ the Castle
- A half-yearly, informal get-together for Christian young adults in Ireland, when we hear God speak to us through his Word.
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- ALIVE Ministries
- Non-profit, multifaceted ministry focusing on providing a local church based approach to the counseling needs of the Christian community.
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- Airborne Ministries
- Aids in worldwide Christian evangelism by training and equipping nationals and missionaries through videos.
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- All Things New Ministry
- Ministry helping Christians grow spiritually through service and evangelism to disaster victims.
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- Beauty from Ashes
- Encouraging people whose lives have been broken through loss and trauma, towards faith and dependence on Christ. Features information on retreats and events.
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- Cadence International
- International Christian ministry to military personnel and their families. Features a directory of ministries, resources, and photos.
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- Canadian Deaf Ministries
- Ministering to deaf and hard of hearing individuals and families in Canada. Contains sections on health, family life, and spirituality.