- 501
- SGI-USA Riverside Region
- Details the activities and organization of Riverside Region. Features bookstore inventory, meetings schedules for local districts, and community center hours of operation.
- 502
- SGI-USA Silicon Valley Region
- Features calendar of events, news, daily encouragement, and youth presentations.
- 503
- Ikeda Center
- Highlights programs and current research themes geared towards furthering peace. Also features list of engaged scholars and publications by the foundation.
- 504
- Buddhist Heart
- Features local schedule of meetings and events in the Heart of England, covering Birmingham, Coventry, the Black Country, Warwickshire and Worcestershire.
- 505
- Offers locations of local culture and community centers, along with schedule of activities, list of publications available, and explanations of Buddhism.
- 507
- Singapore Soka Association
- Provides organization profile and background, locations for centers of worship, events and news, and member services.
- 508
- Manitoba Buddhist Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
- The Manitoba Buddhist Church has its origins in the events surrounding the contentious evacuation of the Japanese-Canadians during World War II.
- 510
- Amitabha Buddhist Society
- With list of facilities, activities, location map, teachings, and information on how to donate.
- 511
- Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism in Malaysia
- Offers a personal experience, explanation of the fundamentals of Buddhism, and overview of the history Soka Gakkai.
- 512
- Soka Gakkai Malaysia
- Official Site. Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) was established in 1984. It has the mission to realise the happiness of individuals, the prosperity of Malaysia, and peace among humankind.
- 513
- Bharat Soka Gakkai
- Serving the members of India by highlighting upcoming events and providing details about the local organisation.
- 514
- Canada - SGI
- Official site. SGI Canada is the Canadian member organization of the Soka Gakkai International. There are SGI Canada centres in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City.
- 516
- Tacoma Buddhist Temple
- On the history of the temple, American Buddhism, Shin Buddhism and the minister.
- 517
- Berwick: Sakyamuni Sambuddha Vihara
- Vihara affiliated to the Siri Vajiragnana Dharmayathanaya in Sri Lanka. Offers programme of events and classes.