- 481
- Kadampa Buddhist Center Shakyamouni, Paris, France
- Find classes on Kadampa Buddhism and meditation held in Paris and surrounding area. The Centre is a member of the International Kadampa Buddhist Union.
- 482
- Kadampa Buddhist Center Tchackrasambara, Nice, France
- Learn about weekly meditation classes, study programmes and courses at Tchakrasambara Buddhist Centre. Also provides information about the New Kadampa Tradition and Resident Teacher.
- 483
- Kadampa Buddhist Center Toushita, Nantes, France
- Learn to improve your quality of life and how to apply Bouddha's advice in your daily life. Teachings and meditations take place in Nantes and the surrounding area
- 484
- Kadampa Buddhist Center Vajrasattva, Montpellier, France
- The Centre provides a peaceful and inspiring environment in which people can learn about meditation and Buddhism, how to meditate and how this can help in daily life.
- 485
- Kadampa Buddhist Center Vajravarahi, Toulouse, France
- Provides meditation classes and teachings in Toulouse and through its area, so that local people can learn about meditation and develop peace of mind.
- 486
- Kadampa Buddhist Center Yeshe, Lille, France
- Features background to centre and teachers, courses and retreats, and information on Buddhism and meditation. Located in Lille, affiliated with the New Kadampa Tradition.
- 487
- Buddhist Meditation in Belleville, Ontario
- The center offers numerous meditation classes and instruction in Buddhist psychology and philosophy. Everyone is welcome.
- 488
- Kingston: Kuluta Buddhist Center
- The Center offers meditation and study programs in and around Kingston, ON.
- 489
- Vancouver: Tilopa Buddhist Centre
- Member of the New Kadampa Tradition, a Mahayana Buddhist organization founded by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, a Tibetan Buddhist Master resident in the West since 1977. Provides a full program of meditation courses suitable both for beginners and advanced practitioners. Resident Teacher is Gen Kelsang Delek.
- 490
- Losang Zentrum für Kadampa-Buddhismus e.V.
- The centre is a member of the New Kadampa Tradition and offers meditation classes and classes about buddhism in Hamburg and other places in the north of Germany.
- 491
- Colwyn Bay: Kalpa Bhadra Buddhist Centre
- Located in a peaceful setting in Colwyn Bay, the Centre offers classes on Buddhism and meditation throughout North Wales.
- 492
- Honmon Butsuryu Shu Network
- Myoshinji Temple (Japan), offering background details of practices and biographies, with links to other resources.
- 493
- Kofu-ji Temple (Japan)
- Offers resources on the teachings and practices of the Honmon Butsuryu Shu.
- 494
- Nichiren Shu Hokekyo Indonesia Buddhist Association
- Features articles on the faith, along with picture gallery of related Nichiren artwork.
- 495
- SGI-USA Facilities Locator
- Provides locations and contacts for culture and community centers in the United States.
- 496
- Laurel District
- Local members offer Nichiren Buddhist study annex and current info pertinent to both members in Central Maryland as well as collected study materials of interest to all.
- 497
- Middleway Press
- Trade publishing division of the SGI-USA. Features publication titles, ordering information, press releases, and newsletter.
- 498
- SGI-USA Southeastern Region
- Offers divisional newsletters and schedule of activities in the Atlanta, Georgia area and surrounding states.