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- Classical Liberalism - Wikipedia
- Encyclopedia article examines the classical liberal school and notes distinctions between it and other schools of thought within liberalism such as libertarianism and New Liberalism.
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- Liberalism
- An article written in 1973 by F.A. Hayek for an Italian encyclopaedia on the content and development of the liberal ideology.
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- Liberalism
- General philosophical theory outlined by Gerald F. Gaus in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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- Wikipedia - Liberalism
- Crowd-sourced encyclopedia article outlining the history of the ideology and explaining different forms of liberalism.
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- Hierarchic Democracy and the Necessity of Mass Civil Disobedience
- The true nature of liberal democracy as unequal and the resulting need for civil disobedience instead of elections.
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- Liberal International
- The worldwide federation of liberal parties, ranging from left-liberal to market liberal/moderate libertarian. Site provides information about the functions of the organization, shopping, links to member parties and organizations, news releases, and event calendar.
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- Libertarian Purity Test
- This test attempts to measure how pure of a libertarian you are, but to score full marks you'd better be an anarcho-capitalist.
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- Cato Institute
- Thousands of economic studies and articles available online, as well as streaming audio and video of institute events. Site updated daily.
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- Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty
- Promoters of a free society informed by religious faith and moral absolutes.