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- Breaking All the Rules
- A collection of essays on politics and current events with an "America First" bent. Includes archives and related links.
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- Conservative Politics at
- News, commentary, editorial cartoons, newsletter, and an extensive directory of links concerning conservative political issues, organizations, and media.
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- A conservative web portal providing news and reviews, discussion boards, free newsletters, conservative email, online shopping.
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- Infowars
- The web page of syndicated radio host Alex Jones. Conspiracy-tinted site containing strong opposition to socialism, communism, and the New World Order.
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- Providing news, information and commentary from a conservative Orthodox Christian perspective on social and cultural issues of our times.
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- The Republican Papers
- A collection of articles and user-submitted essays, including text of recent speeches.
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- The Traditional Conservative
- Articles and links devoted to traditional conservatism in the sense of conserving the best of the past in nature, culture, and religion, as opposed to ideology or empire.
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- Underground Notes
- Conservative links, news, computer help, music, books, articles and reviews, movie reviews.
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- E-mail discussion list where political, cultural and religious issues are highlighted from a conservative, constitutionalist perspective. Site also provides related links.
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- Conservative Cave - A Conservative Forum
- Insight, commentary, and discussion of politics and current events from a conservative perspective.
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- Conservative Underground
- Provides editorial commentary, cartoons, and discussion forum on current issues, as well as news links.
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- Conservative's Chat Room
- Real-time chat room for conservatives to exchange political views and discuss how today's news will effect future elections.
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- Politically Correct
- Weekly conservative political cartoons by Jim Huber. Latest and searchable archived cartoons, discussion forum, and merchandise available.
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- Talking Right
- A conservative site containing links to many radio talk shows and their hosts as well as news sources and humor regarding current events.
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- Allegheny Institute
- Pennsylvania-based conservative think tank devoted to local government issues. Recent papers on key issues, information about events and publications, and related links.