- 121
- Common Sense With Steve Yuhas
- Comprehensive conservative site encompassing daily news, commentary, and current issues.
- 123
- Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic
- Thoughts and opinions from a conservative, Republican, traditionalist, Secular Humanist atheist, including a biography, photos, likes and dislikes.
- 124
- Mr.Wonderful Explains Politics
- Conservative commentary and insights with links to various political organizations.
- 125
- Official Website of Jason Saine
- North Carolina conservative and free market activist. Includes personal and family information, views and commentary, and photo galleries.
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- Payton, Doug: Consider This!
- Doug Payton's views on current issues, US elections, political terms, and popular culture.
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- Scottbomb Online
- A series of essays on current events and philosophy as well as links to conservative news sources.
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- The Bluecollar Conservative
- Personal commentary and dispatches from a self-described conservative ordinary American.
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- The Ultimate Politically Incorrect Ranting Page
- Airs points of view the author finds to be deemed politically unpopular and suppressed by liberal orthodoxy.
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- Personal site including quasi-political rants and opinions. Outside submissions welcome.
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- Democratic Youth Community of Europe (DEMYC)
- NGO comprised of the youth wings of Christian Democrat, conservative, and like-minded parties in Europe. News and event announcements, aims and political work, history, structure, constitution, and links to member groups.
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- Fidelitas
- Youth organization of Fidesz, the Hungarian Civic Party. Site describes the organization, its activities, and its principles. Other features include cabinet directory, image gallery, and schedule of upcoming events in Hungary and elsewhere in Europe.
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- New Zealand Young Nationals
- Youth section of the National Party, which sponsors debates, social functions, and campaign activities. News, events, links, and local contacts.
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- Jewish World Review: Ann Coulter
- Archives of the attorney and conservative author's syndicated column.