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A Transdisciplinary Approach to Science and Astrology

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Description: This article explores the unconscious and symbolic bases of astrology.
Astrology : A Transdisciplinary Approach to Science and Astrology by Alain Nègre A Transdisciplinary Approach to Science and Astrology In the present state of contemporary knowledge, one recognizes a certain "astrological phenomenon". Apparently, an order exists which underlies the world and may be experienced through the perusal of our birth chart, the latter reflecting the fathomless structures of our interiority. Nonetheless, with the emergence of scientific thought three centuries ago, astrology was met with new difficulties as it tried to coexist with novel approaches to apprehending the "real". In fact, the very validity of astrology is repudiated by those who conceive of a sole level to reality (which they believe science to reveal) even though physics has recently proved the existence of at least two levels to reality. As a reaction, astrology closes itself off to scientific discourse, or, conversely, dresses itself up as a science. In an attempt to sort through the conflicts between science and astrology, this article explores the unconscious foundations which gave birth to astrology. It draws from what C.G. Jung called the symbolic function and originates in the "place" of the soul where mind and matter may potentially reunite.
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Page title:Astrology : A Transdisciplinary Approach to Science and Astrology by Alain Nègre
Keywords:astrology, astrology and science, Alain Nègre, Nègre, symbol, symbolical image, archetype, CURA, C.U.R.A., University Centre for Astrological Research, article, unconscious and symbolical foundations of astrology, archetypical image, Jungian psychology, degrees of reality, transdisciplinarity, transdisciplinary, astrological predictions
Description:This article explores the unconscious and symbolic bases of astrology


status: ACTIVE
status: ok
created: 15/03/1999
last-update: 23/12/2008
changed: 17/02/2004 [email protected]
changed: 17/02/2004 [email protected]
changed: 04/04/2013 [email protected]