- 181
- Current Bibliographies in Medicine 94-3: Persian Gulf Experience and Health
- 594 selected citations from 1971-1994. From National Library of Medicine.
- 182
- Gulf War Illnesses Research
- Discusses possible causes for the disease, how to detect it, and possible treatments.
- 183
- Gulf War Veteran Resource Pages
- Offers live chat sessions, discussion groups, and mailing lists. The site also publishes a self-help guide for affected personnel.
- 184
- New York Times: Gulf War Syndrome
- Archives of news articles. First time users must set a password to view content.
- 185
- Korean War Children's Memorial
- Commemorating the humanitarian aid the United States Armed Forces rendered the children of Korea from 1950 to 1954 and dedicated to those who could not be saved.
- 186
- Army Medics and Navy Corpsmen Listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall
- Names and information on U.S. Army Medics and U.S. Navy Corpsmen who died in Vietnam and were listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.
- 187
- Empty Chairs Memorial
- Dedicated to the memory of all of our brothers and sisters, from all nations, who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the war in SouthEast Asia.
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- Simply Southeast Asia
- Devoted to American, Canadian and Australian veterans who served in the Southeast Asian theatre.
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- The North Wall, Canadian Vietnam Veterans Memorial
- Names and details of Canadians KIA MIA who served with US Forces in Vietnam.
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- Catholic War Veterans Post 1612
- Our Lady of the Assumption Memorial Post. Located in Bayonne. List of officers, newsletter, memorials, and contact details.
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- Jewish War Veterans, Department of New Jersey
- Provides some information about Jews in the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines.
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- Wisconsin, Department of - American Legion
- Programs include Camp American Legion, high school scholarships and awards, Legion Baseball and Oratorical contests.
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- Cal-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Association
- News, updates on research, advice on benefits and forthcoming community activities.