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Justice for Sale

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Scan day: 28 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Frontline investigation of whether cash contributions to judicial political campaigns is corrupting America's courts.
Justice For Sale | FRONTLINE | PBS An inside look at the scandals that rocked Benedict’s Papacy. What happens when the perennial teenage quest for identity is exposed on social media? Lowell Bergman investigates the hidden reality of rape on the job for immigrant women working in America’s fields, farms and factories.
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Page title:Justice For Sale | FRONTLINE | PBS
Keywords:judges,judicial elections, campaign finance, elections,judicial reform,judiciary,judicial voter guide,Bill Moyers,courts,justice system,campaigns,Founding Fathers,campaign finance,campaign reform,Shintech,Justice Stephen Breyer,Justice Anthony Kennedy,U.S. Supreme Court,PBS,FRONTLINE,documentary,FRONTLINE documentary.
Description:In this FRONTLINE report correspondent Bill Moyers explores growing concern among judges themselves that campaign contributions to judges may be corrupting the judicial system, threatening the independence and integrity of state judges. This investigation looks at state judges'decisions and judicial elections in Texas,Lousiana and Pennsylvania.and interviews judges about their concerns about the influence of money in the justice system.