Legal Information
- 601
- Roger Worthington, PC
- Extensive survey of medical and legal options for people with mesothelioma, from Dallas, TX attorney.
- 602
- Shepard A. Hoffman
- Information from a Baltimore attorney about mesothelioma, its causes and treatments, medical specialists and legal advice.
- 604
- Brayton Purcell
- Information about beryllium-related diseases and legal options, from a California law firm.
- 605
- Association of Workers' Compensation Boards of Canada (AWCBC)
- A non-profit organization that facilitates information exchange about Canadian Worker Compensation Boards and Commissions. Site provides information about the services offered. [English, French]
- 606
- European Forum of Insurances against Accidents at Work and Occupational Diseases
- Provides a venue for exchanging information and experiences between the national organisations which are responsible for the statutory insurance against occupational accidents and occupational diseases.
- 607
- Heads of Workplace Compensation Authorities (HWCA)
- Coordinating body comprising the chief executives (or their representatives) of the peak bodies responsible for the regulation or workers compensation in Australia and New Zealand.
- 608
- Southern Association of Workers' Compensation Administrators (SAWCA)
- Membership derives from 17 state agencies in the southern USA plus the Virgin Islands. The Association serves as a resource for information, education, professional development, and assistance, and it has associate members from industry.
- 609
- Alaska Division of Workers' Compensation
- Includes links to documents, forms, legal research, employer information and other workers' compensation resources.
- 610
- California Workers' Compensation Appeals Board
- Exercises all judicial powers vested in it by the Labor Code. Includes decisions, petitions, titles, and regulations.
- 613
- In Jury Rooms, Form of Civil Protest Grows
- Washington Post article discusses recent jury nullification trends. (August 02, 1999)
- 615
- Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc.
- Dedicated to improving the judiciary by removing political considerations from the judicial selection process and by ensuring that the process of disciplining and removing judges is effective and meaningful.
- 616
- Justice for Sale
- Frontline investigation of whether cash contributions to judicial political campaigns is corrupting America's courts.
- 617
- The Constitution Project
- Nonprofit Constitution Project promotes bipartisan consensus on the death penalty and wrongful executions, the importance of independent courts, and constitutional amendments. See public education materials and member lists of prominent citizens.