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- Peace Action National
- Practical, positive alternatives for peace. Local chapter and affiliate contacts, press releases, fact sheets, articles, congressional voting record, email alerts, and upcoming events.
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- United for Peace
- Brings together a broad range of organizations throughout the United States to coordinate work against a U.S. war on Iraq. Events calendar, action alerts, local and national contacts, and resources for organizing.
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- Veterans for Peace
- A non-profit educational and humanitarian organization of vets dedicated to increasing public awareness of the costs of war, the end the arms race and war, justice for vets and war victims, and restraining government from getting involved in violent conflicts.
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- War Resisters League
- Committed not only to eliminating war, but the causes of war. Offers on-line magazine, calendar of events, resources, and opportunities for individual involvement.
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- The Raging Grannies' International
- This non-violent organization of activists has a network of Granny Gaggles in Canada, the United States, Australia, Greece and the United Kingdom.
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- The Montreal Raging Grannies
- Organization history, issues and actions, and lyrics to original songs.
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- La Crosse Coalition Against the Wars
- Founded by the Ecumenical Peace Group of La Crosse, organization holds vigils calling for an end to all wars, everywhere. News, articles, and photos.
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- Washington Peace Center
- A nonprofit, anti-racist action and education organization providing resources to community action groups in the metropolitan area. Features events, archives and volunteer and employment opportunities.
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- Richmond Peace Education Center
- Mission is to promote peace and social justice in their community and around the world. Offers a range of programs, including training in conflict resolution techniques, and also provides support for other local groups working towards a more peaceful world. Events, articles, mailing lists and listservs, and online newsletter.
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- Instant Antiwar Action Group
- Information, literature, merchandise, mailing list and photographs of an amorphous group of individuals in Vermont, organizing demonstrations, and raising awareness of U.S. military imperialism.
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- Peace and Justice Center
- Organizes for a just, peaceful, and ecologically healthy world through education, advocacy, training, and nonviolent action. Calendar of events, action alerts, issue information, and news.
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- Esperanza Peace and Justice Center
- Works to create a world where everyone has civil rights and economic justice, where the environment is cared for, and where cultures are honored and communities are safe. Newsletters, action alerts, and information about projects. San Antonio.
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- Mid-South Peace and Justice Center
- Interfaith, interracial organization working in the areas of education, collaboration, and nonviolence. Newsletters, how to get involved, calendar of events, and information about programs such as community gardens, living wage campaign, and voter registration drive. Memphis.
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- The peace committee of the Old Haverford Friends Meeting presents a Statement in Response to the Threat of War with Iraq, sample letter to President Bush, political contact information, and calendar of events in Delaware County.
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- Brooklyn Parents for Peace
- Non-profit network of Brooklyn residents - parents, neighbors, and educators - alarmed by the growing militarism of our society and its effect on our lives and our children's future. Events, flyers and petitions, and suggestions for activism.
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- Peace Action of Central New York
- Non-profit grassroots organization for citizens who want to actively participate in bringing about a world at peace. Priorities, events, legislative alerts and contact information, and membership form.
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- New Jersey Peace Action
- Upcoming events, mailing list, letters to the editor, volunteer opportunities.