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- Save the Good Friday Agreement Coalition
- Grassroots coalition in the USA, Ireland, Britain, and Canada engaged in an attempt to save the Irish peace process and the Good Friday Agreement.
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- Another Mother for Peace
- Non-profit, non-partisan association dedicated to eliminating the use of war as a means of solving disputes among nations, people and ideologies. Includes activities and a newsletter.
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- Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace
- Promoting social justice as a path to peace. International Roman Catholic religious congregation of women founded in 1884 to further the work of peace. History, mission, program information, reflections from imprisoned sisters, and links to related sites.
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- Grandmothers for Peace International
- Initially campaigning for peace and the abolition of all nuclear weapons, its work has expanded to include nuclear power; nuclear testing; the nuclearization and weaponization of space; global militarism; and other peace and justice issues that affect the human family. Offers action alerts and opportunities for "activism from home."
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- Peace Women
- Aims to enhance the visibility of women's peace efforts by creating a centralized repository of information that collects women's peace activities in the field, data bases of contacts, and campaign and outreach material.
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- Peace Women Across the Globe
- Works to connect and strengthen efforts worldwide. Includes projects, news, forum and events. [English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese]
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- The Lysistrata Project
- Promotes peace through economic justice. Dedicated to building community and, in particular, raising women's voices for peace. Articles, photos, action alerts, facts, and contact information for policymakers.
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- WAND: Women's Action For New Directions
- Empowers women to act politically to reduce violence and militarism, and redirect excessive military resources toward unmet human and environmental needs. Issues, events, news, fact sheets, weekly bulletins, and resources for activism.
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- Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East
- To positively influence both the government's foreign policy in the Middle East and the media's portrayal of current events and people in the region.
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- Edmonton Coalition Against War and Racism
- ECAWAR engages in education and action against the U.S. occupation of Iraq, racism, and U.S./Canadian National Missile Defense. Includes events calendar, action alerts, news, and activism resources.
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- Homes not Bombs
- All-volunteer, Ontario-wide coalition of people who use nonviolent direct action in an attempt to confront institutional and personal violence. Recent and ongoing campaigns, news, photos, and opportunities for involvement.
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- Nonviolent Peaceforce Canada
- Founded in 2000 to teach the techniques of nonviolence and peaceful conflict resolution to Canadians and to help create an international nonviolent peace force to send to conflict areas worldwide. Events, newsletter, and resources.
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- PeaceWorks
- Group in Sarnia, Ontario devoted to promoting peace in the community and the world. Events, photos, media, and contact information.
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- Science for Peace
- A charitable Canadian-based organization of natural scientists, engineers, social scientists, scholars in the humanities and lay people throughout the world that brings together professors, graduate students and first degree students who are concerned about peace, justice and making an environmentally sustainable future.
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- Sunshine Coast Peace Group
- Dedicated to the abolition of nuclear arms and the promotion of nonviolent conflict resolution. News, articles, photos, meetings and events, petitions, and activist toolbox. Based in Halfmoon Bay, British Columbia.
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- Friendship Village
- Based in Tel-Aviv. Offers opinions on the Israel-Palestine situation, news, articles, and calendar of peace activities. Includes proposal for creation of a multi-cultural Friendship Village for teens.
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- The Dialogue Project
- Nonprofit group that gathers adult Palestinians and Jews and supportive others for intimate conversation and intense dialogue on a monthly basis. Audio archives and contact information.
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- Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America
- Uniting and enabling Christians to make peace with justice in a warring world. News, events, listserv, partner congregations, resources, and suggestions for action.