Family Planning
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- Bixby Program in Population, Family Planning and Maternal Health
- University of California at Berkeley students, researchers, and staff working to reduce maternal deaths in developing countries by studying and promoting effective family planning approaches.
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- Reproductive Health Technologies Project
- Reproductive freedom advocacy group, based in the U.S. News and information on emerging issues in contraception, including new contraceptive technologies.
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- State Innovations in Family Planning Services Agency
- Reproductive health non-governmental organization in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. Information about programs to reduce fertility rate and improve maternal and child health, including personal counseling, contraceptive marketing, and work with personal birth attendants.
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- Culture War Hits Local Pharmacy
- Christian Science Monitor article about the issues involved when pharmacists refuse (on religious or moral grounds) to fill prescriptions for contraceptives and morning-after pills. (April 08, 2005)
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- Achievements in Public Health, 1900-1999: Family Planning
- Article from the US Centers for Disease Control's Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report outlines developments in family planning during the 20th century. Includes key dates, data on trends in fertility, reference list, and other information.
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- Canadian Federation for Sexual Health
- National organization advocating access to sexual and reproductive health services, education, abortion and contraception; formerly Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada. Information resources, news, other prochoice links.
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- Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA)
- Washington, DC-based international nonprofit working to empower women at all levels of society through access to family planning and reproductive health services. Information on philosophy and projects, newsletter, and reports.
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- Family Planning Association of Maine
- Advocates for reproductive health services and provides funding and technical support to family planning clinics in the state. Includes clinic directory, news, and links.
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- Irish Family Planning Association
- Voluntary organization pioneering reproductive health and rights in Ireland. Offers issues information and practical advice.
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- Marie Stopes International
- UK-centered global partnership providing sexual and reproductive health information and services in the UK and 30 other countries around the world. Details of UK clinics and information about global activities.
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- Marie Stopes International Australia
- Organisation engaged in advocacy and conducting reproductive health programs in Australia and internationally, including Aboriginal communities and various Asian countries. Includes information about programs and the needs they address, study tours available, and donation opportunities.
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- Global Campaign to End the Bishops' Ban on Condoms
- Organization of Roman Catholics opposed to the Church's policy against the use of condoms. News, essays, and position papers on the topic.
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- Seattle Catholic - The Wisdom of Bishop Cawcutt
- Essay of support for the South African bishop who made statements directly opposed to the Roman Catholic Church's teaching on contraception, fornication and homosexuality when he recommended proper condom use as a means of fighting the spread of AIDS. (August 31, 2001)
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- Emergency Contraception (a.k.a. "Morning After Pill")
- A thorough summary of the issues, from
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- The Morning After Pill
- Site asserts that "morning after" emergency contraception is just another abortion approach that kills a human life.
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- Contraception Editorial: From American Idol to Plan B: A Call for a Shift in Priorities
- Perspectives on the effectiveness and potential for emergency contraception to reduce unintended pregnancy in the U.S. (November 01, 2007)
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- CNN: Wal-Mart to Carry Plan B Contraception
- News on the announcement that the chain would reverse its former stance and begin stocking emergency contraceptives (morning-after pills) in its pharmacies. (March 03, 2006)
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- There's Got To Be a Morning After
- Issues surrounding emergency contraception in Australia and initiatives to make the pills easier to obtain. (June 28, 2003)
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- Survey Finds Pharmacists, Public Favor Widespread Access to Emergency Contraception
- Results of a U.S. opinion survey. (February 14, 2000)
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- JHPIEGO - Family Planning Training
- A nonprofit organization that works in developing countries to train health professionals in modern reproductive health care, especially family planning. Affiliate of Johns Hopkins University.
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